Economy with Karma

Ama, Carlos del
Grupo Planeta - Argentina
Marca de agua digital

Karma is the effect of our actions on the lives of others. An economy with karma, with emphasis and attention on what is done and how, what we do, benefits others. It would contribute to make us generous, joyful and may be rich. Man is homo faber, he identifies himself by what he does, not by what he consumes. This book is a methodical reflection on the economy as a whole. It starts from the concept of property from its origin and motivation, analyzing how property is obtain and how it is initially transferred through gift or donation. Over time, the donations are structured as part of the practice of exchange or barter, which is a double mutual donation. In exchange, more importance is given to the gift received that to the gift given, to the point where, after the appearance of money, whose essence and functions are studied in detail in the book. The market appears and the concept of gift is lost after the anonymity of money, leaving what was acquires isolated and triumphant and forging the concept of acquisition and purchase. Economic theories focus on market analysis and tend to emphasize demand. Government's economic policies, after Keynes, tend to seek formulas to stimulate economic activity through measures that increase demand, The emphasis on demand and consumption makes us selfish dissatisfied and unhappy. The book´s thesis is that the joy of the gift must be recovered by focusing attention on the offer, on what is done and offered, our acts merge into what we do for others. In the process toward the safe path of supply various different political-economic systems are analyzed with their strengths and weaknesses. We end the book by reflecting on current issues, such as the crisis, providing suggestions to accelerate economic recovery, we analyze the Brexit, the economic policy of President Trump and the challenges of the UE. In the annexes, all mathematical calculations are concentrated and two complementary reflections are included on the economy as a mechanism for the production and distribution of products and on the economy as a language for communication between economic agents.